Risk and Compliance

Join the CARDS Community of Practice

Last year, JA Worldwide kicked off a community of practice focused on compliance, accountability, risk, data protection, and safeguarding (CARDS). This community will enable learning, collaboration, and best-practice sharing across the network. Initially, we’re seeking representatives from each of our 115 member locations and six regional operating centers to become CARDS Focal Points.

You can also apply to be a CARDS Focal Point, through which you’ll help identify where capacity-strengthening initiatives are most needed and be a key communicator of helpful information, means, and methods through our network. Requirements to be a CARDS Focal Point are (1) a high-level, strategic thinker who has an interest in strengthening integrity, risk, and compliance across the JA network and (2) supervisor approval. The expectation is that you will attend a one-hour meeting each month and a technical workshop (two to four hours) each quarter. To register as a CARDS Focal Point, please fill out the form below.

Coffee with CARDS

Join informal, drop-in, 45-minute sessions with the CARDS community every six to eight weeks. By joining, you’ll . . .

  • Have a place to ask questions and discuss what challenges or triumphs you're experiencing in your organization.

  • Hear updates on smaller developments.

  • Meet other CARDS Focal Points and share and learn from each other.

  • Build community and know that you are not alone 😊.

Next sessions (all at this Zoom link: https://jaworldwide.zoom.us/j/3530368374?omn=83495719749)

  • April 2 (7:30amEDT/1:30pmCEST/7:30pmHKT)

  • May 21 (8:30amEDT/2:30pmCEST/8:30pmHKT)                             

  • July 10 (7:30am EST/1:30pmCEST/7:30pmHKT)

Access the Policy Library

Need examples of policies and documents, so that you can create your own version? Check out the Policy Library for examples of policies from around the JA network in key categories. This link will be updated periodically as we receive and develop new examples.

Catch up on the February 2025 CARDS Webinar: Brand Risk and the new JA Global Crisis Communications Guidelines

The February CARDS webinar was all about brand risk and, especially, how to manage communication in crisis situations. If you weren’t able to attend the webinar live, watch the recording below and/or check out the presentation deck.

Ready to access the JA Global Crisis Communications Guidelines? You can find the PDF here for easy reading, but we’ve also made the Word doc available to you, for easier access to templates and to use as a starting point for your own crisis comms guidelines.

Catch up on the October CARDS Webinar: JA Integrity Program and Whistleblower Platform

Our strategic priorities to accelerate digital, empower the underserved, cultivate partnerships, and strengthen OneJA have set us on a journey to impact 100 million youth per year by 2050. Such impact is possible only through efficient collaboration and safe data sharing. In order to facilitate this sharing across the JA network, JA Worldwide—in collaboration with the CARDS community—is introducing the JA Data Sharing, Controller, and Joint Controller Agreement, which will be rolled out in the coming months to all JA members for signature. We first introduced this agreement at GLC 2023 Virtual during the Managing Risk, Compliance, and Data Protection session.

Did you miss the October 2024 CARDS webinar? Do you want to relive it? Find the session recording below.