For the sixth year in a row, JA Worldwide has been ranked among the top ten NGOs/SGOs in the world, holding at the #5 spot.
Here’s a link to the entire folder of collateral, listed below.
There are badges for use on your website, email signatures, or social-media channels.
If your JA location is more commonly known as “Junior Achievement,” here are your badges.
For social graphics, you can use the ones we designed but are always welcome to design your own. Sample messaging for a social-media post is below, but it’s up to you, how you want to share this honor:
We’ve been ranked—for the sixth year in a row—as a top-ten global SGO. Through this annual ranking, thedotgood (formerly known as NGO Advisor) seeks to showcase the global diversity, demonstrated impact, and scale of organizations; compare SGOs using criteria that transcend geography and field of activity; stimulate inquiry and debate about the impact, innovation, and sustainability of SGO activity; and present a wide range of exemplary SGO work. Read more at
Here’s a screenshot of the top 10, and you can also view the list.
A sample press release or blog post for you to use/edit/translate/etc. is here, including the following quote from Asheesh:
“We’re honored to be ranked among the world’s top SGOs, particularly because the selection criteria for this recognition is based on impact, innovation, and governance. The last 12 months have been a year of continuous innovation in the way JA creates and delivers our hands-on, immersive, mentor-driven learning experiences, at a time when education is undergoing tremendous change. And were it not for the over 3,500 JA staff, 600,000+ teachers and business volunteers, and 6,000+ JA board members making a collective effort to govern our vast, global our organization, we wouldn’t have the scale or experience to deliver over 17 million student learning experiences, each of which helps young people develop the skillset and mindset to build thriving communities.”