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GLC Bangkok

GLC Bangkok featured a high-level, strategic agenda and focus on new ways to innovate, expand the way we deliver JA learning experiences, and reach our long-term strategic goal of serving 100 million students per year.

Download your Leadership Certificate

Based on the popular CEO Excellence book and professional-development sessions, McKinsey executives delivered a new training just for JA called “Leadership Excellence.”  This is the first time has undertaken such an extensive customization.

If you attended the entire session, you can create your certificate:

  1. Download and save the certificate PDF to your computer using the button below.

  2. Open the certificate in a PDF viewer (Adobe Reader will work best).

  3. Enter your name under the “Awarded to:” text. (Note: There are two lines on which to enter your name.)

  4. Save the PDF to your computer.

GLC Bangkok Photos

Click on each day to view photos.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Meet the 2023 GLC Awards Finalists and Winners

GLC Awards—presented every two years—represent the highest achievement for JA locations. The finalists in each category inspire us to greater innovation, creativity, and impact. Read about the finalists and winners in each category (including samples of their submissions, in most categories):

GLC Virtual

GLC Virtual was a free, open, virtual four-day conference focused on functional training in fundraising, marketing, program management, and so much more.

Session Library

Did you miss or want to rewatch any of the GLC sessions? Watch them all by clicking the button below. (You can also find the slide decks for each session.)

Earn Your GLC Badge(s)

Demonstrate your specialty with GLC badges! If you choose your courses carefully (including watching videos) and demonstrate competency, you’ll earn one or more GLC badges. Whether honing an existing skill or pursuing a new one, GLC badges demonstrate your specialty in Innovation, Communications, Leadership, and Risk and Compliance.

Once you participate in the required sessions, you can claim your badge. Simply fill out the form for your badge in Innovation, Communications, Leadership, or Risk and Compliance by clicking on the badges below.

  • Day 1, October 23—Fundraising Around the World

    Day 1, October 23—Impact Fundraising

    Day 2, October 24—JA GO: New Global Orientation

    Day 3, October 25—Best Practices to Develop Learning Experiences

    Day 3, October 25—Leveraging Your Data Using Power BI

    Day 3, October 25—Discovering the Learning Management System (LMS) Package

    Day 3, October 25—The “IRD” Process Unveiled: Boundless Innovation, Research, and Design

    Day 4, October 26—AI as Your Marketing Assistant

  • Day 1, October 23—BFFs: Better Finance and Fundraising

    Day 2, October 24—Success through Project Management

    Day 2, October 24—From Vision to Reality: Regional Alumni Leaders and their Impact

    Day 3, October 25—Achieving Impact through Inspire-Prepare-Succeed

    Day 4, October 26—Youth Voices at the Center of Global Discussions

    Day 4, October 26—Fundamentals of Thought Leadership

    Day 4, October 26—Minimizing Our Brand Risk

    Day 4, October 26—Yes, You Need a Great Website

  • Day 1, October 23—Building the House of Resilience

    Day 1, October 23—Redefining Resilience

    Day 1, October 23—Achieving Goals through Effective Financial KPIs

    Day 1, October 23—Impact Fundraising

    Day 2, October 24—Success through Project Management

    Day 2, October 24—JA Service Awards: Honoring Our Colleagues

    Day 2, October 24—Coach Like a World-Class Expert

    Day 3, October 25—Achieving Impact through Inspire-Prepare-Succeed

    Day 4, October 26—Fundamentals of Thought Leadership

  • Day 1, October 23—Building the House of Resilience

    Day 1, October 23—Disaster Dodging: Quality Audits and Resilience

    Day 1, October 23—Managing Risk, Compliance, and Data Protection

    Day 2, October 24—JA GO: New Global Orientation

    Day 3, October 25—Best Practices to Develop Learning Experiences

    Day 3, October 25—The Importance of Safeguarding in Learning Experience Deployment

    Day 4, October 26—Minimizing Our Brand Risk

GLC 2023 Evaluation

We would love to hear your thoughts on GLC Virtual 2023. What did you love, what did you learn, and what would you change? Submit your answers, below!